Tuesday, January 3, 2017



This is the second in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

Please feel free to pass along this blog post to anyone else you think would like to be informed.

Nancy is currently in treatment at:

UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital
757 Westwood Plaza
Room 6117
Westwood, CA 90095

If you'd like to reach out to her via phone, email, or text – you are openly encouraged to bombard her with your positive thoughts.

Those messages mean more and more to her every day. 

You can also reach out to Trey directly on his cell. If he misses your call, rest assured he'll call you back and/or return your text.

If you would like to schedule a visit with Nancy in person – please give us a heads up in advance. Depending on her treatment schedule and the impact of the amazing medications they are using to heal her, even the always effervescent Nancy may simply not feel up to seeing visitors. 

And we're sorry, but if you have even a slight case of the sniffles, much less any type of other infection or illness, you must not visit Nancy until you are completely healthy.


Last night Nancy had a bone marrow biopsy performed. And while we wouldn't exactly describe it as a picnic – it was certainly no match for our Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess.

The results appear to indicate that Nancy is battling B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).

So armed with that information, her extraordinarily experienced team of oncologists – Dr. Gary Schiller, Dr. Sven Devos, and Dr. Caspian Oliai - will now be carefully customizing and commencing her treatment. 

A few moments ago, Nancy had a PICC line inserted in her right arm to maximize ease of blood tests, nutrition, antibiotics, and chemotherapy. Typically, she didn't flinch. In fact, she asked the PICC nurse if she could watch the whole procedure through a sterile window. 
Such a bad ass.

Because time is of the essence, they have already begun some introductory chemo last night and this morning.


Nancy will likely remain in treatment at UCLA on a 24/7 basis for the next 3 to 4 weeks.


We would've told you it was the PICC line insertion procedure. But she blew through that so effortlessly, it's already a distant memory. 

However, she will begin some relatively high dosages today of various strong medications. And since she's the kind of woman who may begin to stumble and flirt with strangers after a couple glasses of Sauvignon Blanc-- she's really not looking forward to that many chemicals in her body. But each IV and pill cup gets us closer to our goal of full remission.


Our boys went back to school today. Our daughter is supposed to go back to college this weekend. They are all shouldering a great deal right now. But we truly could not be more proud of our amazing children. We only want them to remember they are never alone - and that the challenges we are facing right now will not last forever. So if you happen to see or connect with any of them in any way-- please assure them that LIFE CAN AND WILL GO ON-- and we'll get through this together. Because much like their beautiful mother, they are all deeply loved.

As always, we genuinely appreciate your love, concern, support, and prayers.



  1. Saw Nancy today and she is an amazingly brave, kick-ass warrior. I love you, Nancy.

  2. It was wonderful doing a group healing meditation for Nancy with our Soul Sistahs today and we invite anyone who would like to send Nancy some healing vibes to join our daily Love Bomb 3 minute meditation at noon each day. We love you Nancy!

  3. Thank you for doing this Trey.
    Nancy - you are in my heart and my prayers - I love you. Stay strong - and I am your ten minute away friend and will do anything for you at any time - please know that.
    Love to all of the Calloways ❤️

  4. šŸ’«☀️☀️☀️šŸŒŸ❤️️šŸŒŸ❤️️šŸŒŸ Power and strength and heart to the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess!!! So much love from all the Brooklyn Dalys (Razzle and Stella therapy dogs included)

  5. Nancy, my heart is heavy that you are having to go through this right now, but I am grateful that you have such an amazing family, support system and great doctors. You are without a doubt a "Superwarrior Goddess" and I know that all your strength and fight will help you to kick this cancer's ass. Sending lots of love and light to you, Trey and the kids! xxoo
