Monday, March 5, 2018



This is the one hundred and thirtieth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I have posted-- now celebrating the fact that even though her post bone marrow transplant and brain seizure recovery continues... the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

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Just another quick update, in case you were wondering how things are looking lately for the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess.

This was us on Monday at her bi-weekly City of Hope checkup. And not only were all of her blood/immune system/test results amazing, but that bi-weekly thing is just about to get decreased to only once a month. 

We are both so deeply grateful for her continued remission and recovery. And thank you all so very much for your love, prayers, and support.

WE LOVE NANCY, and...