Monday, February 27, 2017



This is the forty-ninth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Did you happen to notice you didn't hear from us all weekend? Well, here's why. 

Yes-- Nancy had chemo on both Saturday and Sunday. Her friends Lucinda and Ceci were sweet enough to take her to each appointment, respectively-- and by all accounts, the visits were quick and relatively painless.

But you know what else happened?

On Saturday night, we went to see a movie and had dinner

That's right. ALL FIVE OF US

And on Sunday night? After we got our daughter Clem back on a plane to Bates College (Love you, Lemondrop!)-- our friends Bob and Karen were kind enough to have me, Nancy, and the boys over to enjoy a cozy meal and watch the Oscars.

In other words... it somehow felt like a wonderfully normal weekend.

But the truth is, there's no real mystery to it. It was all about the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess. 

Look, I completely understand how important it is for Nance to try and maintain some sense of normalcy in her life right now. It's important for all of us. But with everything her body, mind, and soul are being subjected to-- no one could really blame her if she just curled up in bed and stayed there until all the ugliness of cancer is hopefully behind us. Hell, that's probably what I would do, if I had to face even half of what she's facing.

Except that's not who Nancy is. She not only drives herself-- but ALL OF US-- to stop feeling tired, and afraid, and sorry for ourselves and keep on keeping on. 

So keep on, we did. And keep on, we will. Because her strength, patience, and determination to get well are completely undeniable. She is an absolute inspiration. 

And super fun to hang out with on the weekend, lemme tell you. 

WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Friday, February 24, 2017



This is the forty-eighth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


After enduring a pretty painful spinal tap and intrathecal chemo session yesterday-- the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess went right back to UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center early this morning (thanks Noa!) for more standard chemo. But fortunately, she was in and out in about an hour.

Unfortunately-- there's more chemo in store for her every day this weekend. But she's staying unbelievably strong-- and with the continuing help and thoughts and prayers from all of you, we'll definitely get her through. 

WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Thursday, February 23, 2017



This is the forty-seventh in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


There are two things you need to know about the Radiology Lab at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Hospital. 

1. It's cold enough to serve ice cream without melting. 

2. It's where the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess is about to bravely endure her third spinal tap and intrathecal chemotherapy in two months.

As soon as the Attending Surgeon Dr. Solomon arrives, Nancy will be giving up some more of her precious spinal fluid for a barrage of new tests-- and getting some more powerful cancer-fighting meds while she's at it.  So please think the best thoughts possible and if you're so inclined, say a prayer or two for a swift and hopefully painless procedure that produces nothing but the best results. Because WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Wednesday, February 22, 2017



This is the forty-sixth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Guess what? Nancy had the day off. No chemo, no blood tests, no drives to UCLA. Just a little acupuncture to hopefully help with her neuropathy (painful tingling and numbness of the fingers and toes)... and that's it. What's more... it was an absolutely beautiful day.

Tomorrow she's right back at it-- showing up again at Jonsson Cancer Center to kick cancer's ass. Stay tuned for further details. 

WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Monday, February 20, 2017



This is the forty-fifth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Nothing. We've got absolutely nothing. Kids were out of school. I took the day off work. And best of all, Nancy had no treatments. So I made breakfast for everyone. Clem and Crockett ran errands. Cosmo and I got haircuts. And the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess enjoyed a peaceful visualization session. Then the sun set and it looked like this...

Now we're gonna have dinner and watch the third exciting episode of APB on FOX!  So there's basically only a couple more things I can think of to tell you...

WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Sunday, February 19, 2017


BONUS! It's time for a final weekend word from the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess herself!

It's Sunday night. Let me start with - I feel pretty good! And this may be one of those knock-on-wood-she-spoke-to-soon-moments, but considering I’ve been back at UCLA every day this week getting chemo, I really can’t complain. I’m able to exercise a little each day, and I tire easily — but the main thing I’m struggling with is the new “central line” the surgeon put in,which is still pretty uncomfortable and awkwardly placed, just an inch above my breast. But in the big picture, I’m doing great.

The best news is that Clemmy is home from college for a week. Nothing better for a mama bear than her baby bear coming back. We went out for dinner last night which felt amazing. Doing anything “normal” really grounds me, although I still feel a bit like an imposter when I wear my wig. Something about it feels goofy, like I’m playing dress-up. Maybe I’m just more of a beanie gal? And it’s embarrassing to admit, but every now and then, I still get a little shocked when I see my reflection in the window. For a split second I think — who is that bald chick? Is this a joke? There's no way I have Leukemia. I recently spoke to another A.L.L. Philly patient (in remission!) who advised me not to say “I’ve got Leukemia” because it sounds permanent. Instead, she would always say, “the doctors have diagnosed me with Leukemia.” I like that. Makes good sense. I’m adopting it.

When we saw the doctor at one point last week, he took an unusually heartfelt moment to look Trey in the eyes and say, “This is harder on you than it is on Nancy.”  And I think just shining a light on that, set something off in both of us. Trey was suddenly in touch with how sad and exhausted he is. And how powerless. Which made this week an especially hard one. But we are moving through it. I also found out that my best chance at remission is to have a bone marrow transplant. Both my brothers were tested, and unfortunately, neither is a match. That was a blow-- although there was only a 25% that they would match in the first place, so it’s not a complete shocker. Now we are looking into the world donor bank, so hold good thoughts that we can find a perfect match. 

On a random side note, I’ve gone from taking 100 mg of Prednisone to zero. And for those of you who have never taken Prednisone before, know that it makes you feel like a superhero, jump starts your metabolism, raises your appetite, and lifts your mood to extraordinary heights. I didn’t realize that half the reason I’d felt invincible over the last month was because of the big P. So if you happen to notice a huge shift in my general disposition — not only do I apologize, but I blame the Prednisone. (That said, if you guys happen to have any sitting around your house — feel free to drop it in my mailbox!) 

Until next time —





This is the forty-fourth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Another chill weekend visit to the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center for the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess. Plenty of parking, no crowds, no waiting, and a quick round of chemo.

Nancy's sweet friend Kristin drove all the way down from Santa Barbara to take her to lunch and then accompany her for treatment. Then we all got to hang out with our darling Clementine, who just got home from college last night for a week-long February break. In other words, it was a lovely Sunday.

WE LOVE NANCY, and... 


Saturday, February 18, 2017



This is the forty-third in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Here we are-- back at UCLA Cancer Center on a Saturday. The good news is, the joint is practically empty on a Saturday. And after all of the heavy rain we've had in the past 24 hours, apparently no one felt like being on the road, either. So it's been a relatively easy breezy day of treatment for the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess.  

Today was more chemo-- but what they call a "push," because the meds are simply and relatively swiftly injected right into her central line, rather than administered via drip IV. 

So at the end of a rather long week, it was nice to get in and out in the time it took to make this blog post!

Thanks so much for all your continued good thoughts and prayers for her full remission. WE LOVE NANCY and...


Thursday, February 16, 2017



This is the forty-second in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Today was Day One of Nancy's consolidation chemotherapy.  A dear friend was kind enough to take her to the hospital, so I was able to work. And thankfully, Nancy was in and out of the place relatively quickly.

But here's the thing. As the above photo I snapped in the parking garage at the hospital yesterday amply illustrates-- in spite of UCLA Cancer Center's best efforts to make her feel better-- having to drive back and forth from Woodland Hills to Westwood every day, then spend hours getting poked and prodded by strangers and dosed with a constant cocktail of toxic chemicals-- can really start to feel like prison.

Of course, you wouldn't know that from the way the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess is handling the situation. Nancy's almost relentlessly positive, thoughtful, and appreciative around everyone she encounters. And even on her weakest days-- I can guarantee you that she's consistently stronger than me, or anyone else I know. 

Still... your continued good thoughts and prayers for her to stay focused on the eventually sweet release of remission would be particularly appreciated right now. She needs to remember that one day soon-- we're finally gonna bust her out of this joint. After all... WE LOVE NANCY and...


Wednesday, February 15, 2017



This is the forty-first in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Once more to the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center for Day Zero of Nancy's consolidation phase of chemotherapy. She had various blood tests done-- all of which confirmed she's ready for the next round-- so away we go.

Please continue to think good thoughts and offer up any prayers you'd like for her continued strength on the path to remission.



Tuesday, February 14, 2017



This is the fortieth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Today the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess went back to UCLA for EKG's, x-rays, an echocardiogram, and a pulmonary function test-- all associated with a potentially upcoming bone marrow transplant. And tomorrow, she starts the conductive phase of her chemotherapy-- which could last as long as eight weeks, depending on how soon we find her a perfect bone marrow donor match. In the meantime... she's the world's cutest Valentine.

Yes, I know I already posted this photo today on various forms of social media. But it's more than cute enough to post again. So go ahead... bask in her cuteness.

And please continue to think good thoughts and offer up any prayers you'd like for her continued strength toward kicking cancer to the curb.

Today and every day... WE LOVE NANCY and...


Monday, February 13, 2017



This is the thirty-ninth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Today we're back at UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital, where Nancy has undergone a minor surgical procedure to have a Hickman Line (central venous catheter) implanted in her chest for the next round of conductive chemotherapy which begins this Wednesday. This same line can also be used for a bone marrow/stem cell transplant. She was placed under "twilight" anesthesia, and the procedure lasted around 45 minutes.

As usual, she was a complete trooper-- even though she had to answer the standard 11 million questions asked by every nurse who entered the room and the surgical ward was cold enough to hang meat in

Hopefully, her new central line will make the process of administering meds and taking blood draws much easier than before, without the risk of any further clotting (an unfortunate side effect of the PICC line that she had in her arm a few weeks ago). Your good thoughts and prayers to that end would be greatly appreciated as always.



Saturday, February 11, 2017



This is the thirty-eighth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Not much to report today. Just kind of a chill Saturday. I got up and made everybody a massive breakfast, then ran a bunch of errands while Nancy made phone calls and the boys skateboarded and hung out. Cosmo also spent a fair amount of time filling out thank you cards for his bar mitzvah. Hard to believe it was already two weeks ago today. For obvious reasons, this is probably one of our favorite pics from it.

Meanwhile, we just got the word that Nancy will be undergoing a procedure to install her new intravenous blood line on Monday. Then chemo will commence once again on Wednesday. So your continued good thoughts and prayers for a restful weekend before then will be deeply appreciated. 



Friday, February 10, 2017



This is the thirty-seventh in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Today we came back to UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center for some basic blood testing-- and to meet with our chief oncologist, Dr. Gary Schiller, about the results of Nancy's bone marrow biopsy from last week.

And here's what the good doctor had to say:

There was no leukemia found in the "blast" cells of Nancy's bone marrow. 
There was, however, one Philadelphia leukemia cell found in twenty cells in her cytoplasm.

What does that mean? 

Well, maybe you could say that she got an A- today, instead of an A+. 

Of course, if you know Nancy, you know that bugs the hell out of her. Those competitive gymnast genes are still very much alive and well in her. But they're exactly what's made her respond so well to treatment thus far-- and what will ultimately help her beat leukemia altogether. 

So what happens next?

Exactly what would have happened, regardless. Beginning next week, after undergoing a short procedure to insert a new intravenous line in her chest (which will make taking blood and giving meds much easier)-- Nancy is scheduled to begin an *eight week regimen of chemotherapy. 

Why the asterisk?

Because what sounds like a lengthy run of chemo may very well be cut short by a bone marrow transplant, which her doctors believe would be the most effective course of treatment to rid her of cancer altogether.

In the meantime, both of her brothers (and even our kids) are being tested to see if they might be viable marrow donors. If so, great. If not, no worries. Based a number of key aspects of her blood work, our doctors believe Nancy would have no problem finding a perfect match from a bone marrow donor.

Until then, Nancy plans to spend the rest of this rainy day in Los Angeles relaxing.

And as always, we genuinely appreciate your continued good thoughts and prayers for the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess to keep up her fighting attitude and kick cancer to the curb, no matter how long it takes. 


I'll warn you, this next part may get a little graphic.

But today in just a few hours at UCLA Medical Center-- I saw the following: 

- Elderly women holding onto loved ones, their bodies ravaged by disease.
- A group of pulmonary patients, each wearing oxygen while they coughed through lunch.
- A military veteran on a motorized wheelchair with confederate flags.
- A twenty-something woman on a stretcher, crying with a tracheal tube. 
- A man with no eyebrows and a mask.
- Two young women walking a man whose face and arms were covered with burns.
- A distinguished looking bald woman with a long line of surgical staples across her forehead.
- A little boy holding a door open for his paraplegic father.

And as you may have gathered, at a certain point, all that suffering started to feel completely overwhelming. 

I mean, I know I was in one of the best hospitals in the world-- but how the hell can so many people need so much help?

Well, like everybody else in the 21st Century-- I turned to Google for an answer:

"What percentage of the human race is sick?"

And the surprising answer came in the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) published just a couple of years ago in The Lancet, one of the world's oldest and best peer-reviewed weekly medical journals. 

Here's the full article, if you care to read it.

But the headline pretty much tells you all you really need to know. 


So here's my takeaway from that.

Nancy is one of the most incredibly special people I've ever known. But it suddenly occurs to me that even though it may be rare, her leukemia isn't all that special, really. Neither were all the strangers' various ailments that troubled me today. And that annoying cold I've pretty much been fighting since were on vacation in Mexico, still blissfully unaware of what was happening in my wife's body? Ridiculously pedestrian.

What is remarkable, however, is the way we all somehow manage to care for each other.

The way each of you have cared for and supported us.

The way one of my pals showed up to bring us dinner-- but stayed in the car because he had a cough. The way my mobility-challenged mother didn't think twice about having to be wheelchaired on and off four flights just to be with us at Cosmo's bar mitzvah. The way my restauranteur friend (who's suffered some health problems of her own) wouldn't let me pay for my breakfast the other day. The way my sons carried up the trash cans this afternoon, in spite of both being sore from soccer and swimming practice. And the way (assuming we believe that 95% number) most of you are probably suffering from something-- but still care enough about Nancy to read this ponderous post, anyway.

So let me just take my antibiotic, wash my hands, and use this opportunity to tell all of you one more thing.

I am here for you.

Whenever you need it. And not just because you've been here for me, my wife, and our kids-- although that is admittedly, a debt I may never be able to fully repay.

But simply because being there for each other is probably the best chance any of us has of ever getting better.

I love every last one of you. 



Thursday, February 9, 2017



This is the thirty-sixth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass. 

If you'd like to be automatically notified of updates to this blog-- just enter your email address in the window on the right beneath Nancy's picture and follow the prompts!


Today is the last day of Nancy's "week off" from leukemia treatment before returning to UCLA's outpatient oncology center tomorrow for a new set of tests and treatments. She's slowly getting over her spinal puncture headaches, which she would tell you have really "pissed her off" since she felt pretty good through five rounds of chemo before them. Clearly, she's not a big fan of the stay-in-bed thing, but at least she's been able to catch up on CHOPPED and UNWRAPPED, so life could be worse. She also read that sweet potatoes kill leukemia cells-- so she's been very busy eating her weight in them. (Researchers have actually discovered that a simple hot water extract of baked sweet potato killed up to 65% of human leukemia cells in vitro.) She’s also weened her way down from 100 mg. a day of Prednisone to 20 mg, which might account for her lack of energy. But at least the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess has been sleeping at night. And best of all...

We got to go out for lunch today! Her new favorite place is a healthy mediterranean joint in the Valley called CAVA, where she can get a simple bowl of grilled chicken with roasted veggies. And my current fave is a poké place called SWEETFIN, which happens to be next door. So between the delicious food and the scintillating company, everyone was happy.

Appreciate your continued good thoughts and prayers for great results on her blood work and continuing treatments tomorrow.