Sunday, June 12, 2022


She's home. 

Got Nancy back late last night and we've been doing our best to take care of her ever since. Her body is incredibly stiff and sore after all the seizures, not to mention spending six long days in a hospital bed. Her eyes are bothering her pretty badly as well, after missing her usual visits to UCLA Jules Stein. But she won't be beaten and I have many people to thank.

First, my kids. 

Cosmo has been my boots on the ground loyal soldier-- only a week after his high school graduation when he should celebrating-- instead running errands, cleaning the house, helping me hold down the fort in every possible way. And giving me every hug I needed without having to ask. Clementine has also been an absolute angel-- joining me at lunch, cooking us dinners, even rubbing her mom's feet. And even though Crockett's been back in Chicago at school-- he's coming home to be with us next week before his big summer internship starts-- which will be just the blast of positivity and extra reinforcement we need.

Then there's all the doctors and nurses who have worked as hard as they could to help Nancy get back on her feet. What an extraordinary gift to the world these people are who devote such long and difficult days and nights of their lives to saving the lives of others.

And finally, I must thank all of you-- Nancy's friends and family, far and wide. Your calls, texts, emails, posts, meals, kindness, and pure love have once again made an enormous difference for all of us. Nancy can't be on her phone or computer for a few more days (neurologist's orders), but I can already tell you how deeply touched she's been to hear about the outpouring of prayers and healing energy she's received. 

I struggled with reactivating this blog. I knew from experience it would be the most efficient way to communicate with the hundreds of people who've been blowing up my phone like it's 2017 all over again. But at the same time, a big part of me wants to leave it behind-- to the extent that when Nancy actually paid to have all the past entries printed into a large bound book a couple of years ago-- I never even wanted to crack the cover. I want to move on-- no longer having our lives defined by such a relentlessly difficult journey. Appreciating all the compassion, with no appetite for pity.

But a loved one recently reminded me there's no escaping emergencies. They happen to all of us. You can't avoid them. You can't ignore them. You can't forget them. You just have to accept them, do your best to deal with them, and then move on. Because sooner or later, one way or another, things always get better.

So that's it for now. Nancy's got a bunch of follow up appointments with doctors at UCLA and City of Hope over the next few days. And of course, a lot of rest and recuperation for the next few weeks. But I'm gonna hit the pause button on the daily updates for awhile so we can find our way back to peace.

Just please know how truly grateful our entire family is for all of your heartwarming support.




  1. TREY, THANK YOU!!!!!! I will connect with you both in a few weeks or so. Y'all need YOU time and much R&R. You know how to find me if you need anything...except for kozy pudding. 😊. My prayers and love will continue. 💜🙏

  2. Hi T--So glad she's home. Nancy, you and the kids are so strong and resilient. FYI--Jax reached out to Cos....sending so much love and healing vibes. xo

  3. Thank you Trey for keeping us updated. Love and courage to all. And big kiss to Nancy.

  4. Sending strength and prayers for healing to Nancy and the whole family. Trey, you are amazing for taking the time to provide so much information to us. Hoping that this bump in the road is behind you soon. xo
