Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Hello again, Dear Friends and Family of Nancy...

First, let me say I always hesitate to reactivate this blog. So many people have been so very kind to our family over the past five years since this odyssey began-- the last thing I want to do is flood your mailboxes with any more missives about Nancy's health.

But I also know how much she is loved by all of you. And my hope is that somehow the power of that love can help bring her back to all of us.

So here's the latest on her condition.

The great news is, Nancy’s MRI came back normal— so there are no indications of further brain damage. Her EKG and Echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) looked normal. And her respiratory system is now functioning normally as well.

But the bad news is, she’s had several more minor seizures today and spent a fair part of the day trying like hell to get out of bed.

She's definitely lost none of her former Olympic gymnast strength-- I can tell you that much. But with all the lines and tubes she's currently got attached to her, it took me and three nurses to hold her down at one point for her own safety. I kept trying to talk to her and reassure her that everything was going to be okay. And I'm sure I was telling myself the same thing. But it's typical for someone to be extremely confused and even agitated after suffering these kinds of neurological events. So since I know she won't remember any of it-- I'll do the best I can to let it go, as well.  

Regardless, her neurologist believes it's very important to limit that kind of stress and intense electrical activity in Nancy's brain so it has a chance to reboot and recharge. So they significantly increased her meds-- and thankfully, she's been resting peacefully ever since. 

The staff at Cedars Tarzana have been incredibly helpful-- but as soon as I can, I'll probably wind up transporting Nancy to City of Hope. Granted, Duarte is a lot less convenient than our neighborhood hospital-- but the physicians there all know her (especially Dr. Stephen Forman, the Head of Oncology who saved her life), and they have a comprehensive record of her care. So as soon as everyone here feels it's safe to do so (hopefully tomorrow)-- we'll probably make the move.

In the meantime, your continued kindness, prayers, and healing energy are deeply appreciated.



  1. I don't doubt you have an amazing support system. What an unbelievable day but thankful for your taking the time to fill us in and for the good news. Albeit, there are challenges ahead. Thinking about Nancy, You, the Kids all day!!! I am all non stop praying and sending love and good energy. If YOU need anything...310.985.9081

  2. Thank you for the update - I feel like I can finally breathe! Maybe post the link to this blog on Nancy's FB page as well. There are so many people rooting for her!
