This is the ninety-fifth in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I will be posting until the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in full remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass.
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More good news:
Nancy suddenly began to turn her head on her own this morning-- most notably when I gently stroked her cheek and she turned toward me. She also started to yawn and move her hands and arms. And when the nurses gave her involuntary eye drops to keep them lubricated, she winced and frowned like she was genuinely pissed.
All of these are very encouraging indications for both her lead oncologist Dr. Forman and her neurologist Dr. Prakash that the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess is slowly but surely coming back online.
I've also been playing constant classical music to stimulate her brain. Spraying tangerine oil in the air, because scents are also known to do the trick (and because I know she loves the smell). And when I haven't been reading her silly poems from Shel Silverstein (one of her faves), she's had sweet girlfriends reading her stories as well.
I will do anything it takes to bring her back - just as soon as she's ready.
And that includes praying.
I'm not a big prayer, to be honest. Yes, I'm the son of a Presbyterian minister who also happened to convert to Judaism before Nancy and I got married. But my relationship to God is far less about going to church or temple than it is having a quiet conversation with some koi fish.
And thankfully, City of Hope has a beautiful Japanese garden at the center of their amazing complex. So whenever I can steal a few moments away... I've been conversing with the koi (and a turtle or two), asking for any help the Universe can offer my sweet girl in her efforts to wake up.
But the only reason I mention any of it-- is because of how deeply grateful I am to so many of you for continuous prayers from all over the world. So many of you have reached out to your places of worship, putting Nancy's name on prayer lists. Or sent recorded prayers for me to play in her ear. Or just shared a kind word or hopeful thought with me and the kids.
It's hard not to believe in the collective power of all those good vibes. And thanks to your soulfully encouraging efforts-- as stressful as this week has been-- one thing remains resoundingly clear...
If you'd like to send Nancy a little love (please no flowers, balloons, or food), you can reach her for the next few weeks at:
Nancy Neufeld Callaway
City of Hope Hospital
1500 E. Duarte Rd.
Helford Bldg. Rm. 3215 East
Duarte, CA 91010