This is the one hundred and twenty-seventh in a series of DAILY NANCY UPDATES I have posted-- now celebrating the fact that even though her post bone marrow transplant and brain seizure recovery continues... the amazing Nancy Neufeld Callaway is in remission and we have kicked her leukemia on its ass.
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The Holidays were pretty delicious this year.
Not only did we have a heartfelt Hannukah celebration with our family, but after spoiling me with a Christmas Eve surprise birthday celebration that lasted from sun-up to sundown (which was no small feat for her to plan and orchestrate), I took Nancy and the kids out for dim sum in Chinatown on Christmas Day, followed by an afternoon screening of STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. In other words, we were the perfect Jews.
But the real reason I say the Holidays were delicious-- is because this time last year, we had just arrived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico-- and Nancy was already very sick. We just didn't know it, yet. And as we know now-- things went swiftly and sharply downhill for awhile.
So for her to be in full remission one year later was a bona fide Christmas miracle.
It's truly incredible to consider all that the Sunshiny Superwarrior Goddess has been through. All that she's overcome. And we are all so deeply proud of her.
As for me-- well, if I'm being honest (and lord knows I've tried to do that here), I've been a bit threadbare, emotionally speaking. I guess the past year of care taking has taken a bit of a toll. But the people who matter the most have been here for me like never before, and I'm deeply grateful for that.
Our amazing daughter is home from college. And of course, the boys are here with us as well.
Nancy's memory slowly but surely continues to improve. And soon, 2017 and all that Nancy and the rest of us have been through, will be that distant mountain I've spoken about in previous posts-- slowly receding slipping back to the horizon.
So in the name of counting blessings and moving forward, I'm not sure there's much else I can really say right now except...